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Liner Panels & Partitions

Liner Panels

RHINO offers metal building interior walls and ceilings for your steel building. Metal building liner panels can cover full interior walls and ceilings (as shown below left) or just partial wall heights (as shown below right). These interior panels for steel buildings are the same quality and thickness as our exterior wall panels, coming in 26 gauge with your choice of colors. Metal buildings with interior liner panels must have a base channel added to give them a connection point at the bottom of the panel.

Rhino Steel Buildings Liner Panels

Metal building interior liner panels offer a durable finish to the inside of a building and can be sprayed down for easy cleaning in shop environments. Steel building panels also protect the insulation, and are especially common in shops that utilize welders or grinders that create sparks.

Rhino Steel Buildings Manufacturing Plant

Interior Wall Panel Colors

RHINO Steel Buildings has a standard 25-year warranty on most steel building panels and wall colors. A Kynar® option is also available for our interior metal wall panels. Kynar® is a siliconized polyester paint coating used where salt spray, acid rain, or any corrosive environment exists. Our interior metal wall panels comes with a 30-year warranty.

Standard metal building interior wall panels are available in the same colors as the exterior wall panels, which you can see on the Panel Colors page. However, not all colors are available for interior wall panels from all shipping points. Please contact an experienced RHINO building consultant for more information on steel building panels at 940.383.9566.


Interior steel building partitions, or demising walls, can be added to the length or width of any building. These divider walls are designed with the same red iron framing and 26 gauge panels as our exterior walls. Common uses for partition walls are separating shop areas from offices, creating wash bays within a shop, or as warehouse divider walls.